Well, she's finally done it! She had to wait until there was an appropriate-sized audience of course, so it was only fitting that her first crawl was at our party surrounded by people egging her on and just waiting to applaud. She was so delighted with the enthusiastic response to her new skill that she then sat back and started to clap herself - another first. It was all on last night! No photos of the crawling wonder as yet, it was all too exciting (and short-lived!) to remember the camera, but I'm sure there'll be plenty more opportunities in the near future!
It appeared that the motivation had to be right - she was after Sarah's plate of food... mumma's girl! Or she may have been motivated by a visit from her friend who was already crawling, and in fact standing... and two weeks younger than Ruby! Clever little mite! Shikera (here with her mate Ruby) was a big belly that attended antenatal classes with Ruby (also as a mighty big belly). They could be cousins with those big brown eyes!

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