About Me
- Name: Spanna
- Location: Auckland, New Zealand
I’m a mother of two little girls aged nearly 3 (going on 12) and 5 (going on 17). I’m married to a man who grew up in a different country, and a good 7 years ahead of me. I work full-time at a job in which I edit the work of very clever people. I’m quite often confused and I very often feel as if I reside in the twilight zone. When one of my daughters vehemently disputes something that I know to be true (such as, oh, I dunno … water is wet … yet she is adamant it is dry) - Twilight zone. When my husband talks to me about bands that he loved when I was still in nappies, dropping in the odd Scottish-ism so I start to wonder if we even speak the same language - Twilight zone. When I realize I’ve edited an entire paper and understood not one tiny bit of it - Twilight zone. These then, are my notes from this perplexing zone.
At 1:24 AM,
Gareth and Hannah said…
What a pretty fairy!
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