The Ruby Files

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Our baby turns ONE!

Well we made it! We survived what everyone says is the hardest part (until she hits her teens, so people like to remind us...). So we had a little celebration and shared the day with our closest friends and family. It was wonderful to be able to share Ruby's fun with the people who have supported us in so many ways over the last year. Unfortunately, we were so busy chatting and laughing at our girl that we didn't get many photos taken. But here are the few that we did get!
Of course, all presents had to be taste tested...
and all books had to be thoroughly read before we could move onto the next one. There were a few books in the present mountain, so this took quite a while!Here she is in her new jacket and her new pants,
and sitting on her new duvet trying out her new cup. A little confusing given that there was no water in it, but it didn't stop her trying.
Fast asleep with her new piglet. This little chap gets cuddles almost as intense as the ones I get when I return from work - violent but great!
Ruby sitting in her new rug that Aunty Tracey crocheted for her, and playing peekaboo with the fleecy blanket from her Great-Nana.

Having some fun with Aunty Tracey.

And trying on Aunty Tracey's hat


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