What a day! First we went to the market, where Ruby had her first ever face painting session. She was a little somber about it at first, but then after several peeks in the mirror, decided she loved it.
Then, in the afternoon, she and Daddy went digging for potatoes and wonder of wonders... found some! Just like buried treasure!!
I’m a mother of two little girls aged nearly 3 (going on 12) and 5 (going on 17). I’m married to a man who grew up in a different country, and a good 7 years ahead of me. I work full-time at a job in which I edit the work of very clever people. I’m quite often confused and I very often feel as if I reside in the twilight zone.
When one of my daughters vehemently disputes something that I know to be true (such as, oh, I dunno … water is wet … yet she is adamant it is dry) - Twilight zone. When my husband talks to me about bands that he loved when I was still in nappies, dropping in the odd Scottish-ism so I start to wonder if we even speak the same language - Twilight zone. When I realize I’ve edited an entire paper and understood not one tiny bit of it - Twilight zone.
These then, are my notes from this perplexing zone.
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