Since we've been back from Scotland, it's been a busy old time! We were back only 2 weeks before Owen had to fly to Wgtn for music, so we took the chance to all go and catch up with friends. It was a fantastic blink-and-you'll-miss-us trip but we managed to see a good number of people. One hour on an airplane was almost like nothing at all after flying to Scotland and back!!Ruby spent some time with her Uncle Andrew and Aunty Megan and their fantastic three kids (oh look - a piano says Ruby!)
We had a great day with Aunty Toni and her boys, Jack and Oliver (Olly especially like Ruby, but Ruby wasn't quite so sure about it all ...)

and Aunty Cathy and her daughter, Eleanor.
After that trip, it was time to catch up with our Auckland friends at a cafe, where Ruby is always just one of the gang...
until she tried on Uncle Mike's sunglasses for size, and then she was just plain scary!
We then all went (yes, 6 adults and a baby) to Lollipops, an indoor playground. Ruby had a whale of a time and Uncle Gareth is just itching for an excuse to go again!
Not long after that, we took advantage of Hannah and Gareth's kind offer to babysit for an evening and we went out for our first evening alone together since Ruby was born. It was bliss, and they struck it lucky, (or are top-notch babysitters!) because after a week of being really sick and not sleeping or eating properly, Ruby took all her medicine, ate all her dinner and went to sleep in 5 minutes flat... they must have the magic touch! Gareth evidently had a good time too...
Finally spending some time at home again, Ruby parked up in Dad's guitar case ...
spent some time IN her toybox (not got the concept quite right as yet)...
but after all these fun and games, a girl has to get some rest at some point, sideways or not...