The Ruby Files

Thursday, December 25, 2008

THE tea set

The nature vs nurture debate is over... despite Owen's best attempts with toy cars, trucks, garages and permanent trousers, the girl genes have won through and she is permanently attached to dolly, and the tea set needed no instructions! It's a bit magic, this teapot - apparently it does tea and coffee!

Xmas 2008

As always, Santa and all Ruby's friends and family have been very generous to our girl. Aunty Thirza always wraps pressies in layers and layers of colourful tissue, enhancing the experience no end for a kid who loves to unwrap stuff!!
Brilliant idea Aunty Thirza - mismatched-on-purpose socks! They were a great hit, and when Ruby inspected this photos she said "ha, dat's funny!"
Santa knows that Ruby hates the plug coming out of the bath - or to be more precise, hates the noise it makes - and wondered if a turtle plug might make a difference. Certainly something to try given her love of all things 'turtle'!

Was there ever a more appropriate mask?

Blocks! What every girl wants! (and a pink necklace and matching bracelet!)

A bit of pre-xmas fun!

Hannah and Gareth gave our little girly-girl a fairy costume! The grin says it all, surely!

2008 draws to a close

... and so we look at a few more of Ruby's favourite things.

Cleaning - a new passion, probably more to do with the pink gloves than anything else. Oh and let's not forget the favourite purple pyjamas that match her purple bottle!

Reading - this has long been a fave. However, the reading material hasn't included the NZ Herald until just recently. Probably more interesting than "Spot"!

But - nothing beats being read to by your mates, Anna and Paul!
Showing off - "look at me" is her new favourite phrase. This instance involved her really really really wanting to get up and us really really really not wanting to. Next thing we knew "look at me" and the silly billy had all 3 dummies in her mouth at once. Funny kid!